Awakening Program
1 week Retreat +
3 Months (Online Optional)
Awaken to Beauty
You wonder who you really are? You wonder what your purpose is? You feel like life is a continuous struggle? You wonder whether there’s life after death? You have achieved a lot but experience little joy?
Awaken might be for you.
Awaken is for those that are courageously curious to venture beyond perceptions and beliefs to experience the truth about life and self and are deeply committed to using this extraordinary consciousness to radically improve their lives and those of everyone around them.

Everything You Ever Wanted
True freedom through peace of mind, joy and love.
This is the promise of Awaken to Beauty. However, it is not a magic pill. We can only show and guide you onto the path towards it — you will have to walk it by your own will.
Awaken is for those that are fully committed to do the work to create their paradise on earth. It’s an all in, no back doors offering. With your pledge, we, the Awaken team, are in deep service to your evolution and here to do whatever it takes to get you where you need to go.
Why Awaken to Beauty
There are countless spiritual, transcendental and medicine offerings. Awaken is none of that. Awaken is a Life Transformation Program.
We have created an integrated offering working with your mind, body and soul across an arc of time to ensure real life transformation rather than just a journey into another realm.
We have left no stone unturned to provide you with the most comprehensive support.
And we don’t stop there: To guarantee real life impact, all packages include aftercare through group integration and 1:1 coaching. We are here to accompany you as long as you desire.

An Initiation to Truth
When your sense of self is asleep, the barriers that separate you from your essence dissolve and you merge with the source of universal energy and consciousness, experiencing complete inner peace and unconditional love and understanding.
This experience will leave you with the certainty that you are more than your mind, body and identity and that you are part of a much larger narrative unfolding on earth.
With this newfound understanding of self, you experience reality as harmony and are empowered to make profound changes in your life with unparalleled clarity and certainty.
This sacred right of passage is the most profound experience there is. We are humbled to be able to bring it to you.
It is a sacrament, an initiation to the profound truth of what you are and what life is about. It is sacred to us and we treat it with the utmost respect and care for you.
Details & Booking
1 Week Retreat - Optional Ceremony with Sonoran Desert Medicine
3 Month Awakening Integration Program Online
(dates to be confirmed)
Weeklong Retreat @ neos.village
Deep Nature Connection, Soul Connection, Ascension Practices
New Earth & Dharma Alignment Sessions
Pure Rest & Silent Sanctuary
Sessions: times to be confirmed; will be 2 hours depending on number of group members.
Optional Medicine Ceremony
Ceremonies will happen in the mid-point of the retreat and last for two hours. Full information about the medicine options will be given, for participants to make an aligned choice.
Participants can choose the Sonoran Desert Medicine, or a lighter journey with Cacao or Blue Lotus - or none - as the medicine is a method and not the point of this program.
3 Month Integration Program Online
Following the retreat, participants can stay connected in a private channel on the community app, and join a weekly two hour group space with mentors to support the anchoring and integration process.
Value Exchange
€2555 - €3555*
*These numbers are currently an estimate and may change.
We wish to offer flexibility for diverse socio-economic positions, so please be responsible & honest in your value exchange. People have different circumstances, yet every change maker, new earth pioneer, and thought leader, needs support to flourish and fulfill their greater purpose. Please get in touch if these prices are not possible for you.