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Unified Coherence


Professional Coaching & Facilitator Training

 The Method

The goal of Unified Coherence Coaching or Facilitation is to unify and balance all aspects of the whole self, to bring about complete genuine coherence and alignment in one’s life.​

Unified Coherence is a state of perfect synergy throughout all dimensions of one's being, unleashing a more masterful human than what is possible from relaxation, meditation, or other goal states. 


The world we live in is becoming increasing volatile and complex. The landscape of daily living and business are rapidly changing. In turn, our global environmental situation is becoming increasingly unstable. The most powerful medicine for instability is coherence.


The world needs coaches, mentors, and leaders, who are coherent, whole, and aligned, enabling them to have great flexibility, performance power, and interpersonal impact. 


Our task as humans as we enter the next phase of life on Earth is to evolve beyond purely individual awakening or outer performance/goals. Individuals, groups, and communities must develop ways to catalyse each person's unique purpose and value the symbiosis of diversity in creating wholeness.

Do you feel a deep calling and sense of purpose in becoming a confident 1:1 Coach, Group Facilitator, or Change-Maker...

  • Where all of your years of personal development, and in facilitating transformation for others has finally come to full fruition in the form of your greatest purpose...

  • Where all of your existing skills and knowledge bases are unified into one powerful portfolio...

  • Where you are an agent for the current shift in paradigm, expanding your work into exciting new arenas, as an authentic Facilitator, Coach, or Educator with passion & entrepreneurial spirit...

With Unified Coherence your true power is finally in full activation and in service to your greatest life purpose: helping to create a better world.
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Coherence in Business

It is proven that happy, fulfilled employees by far outperform unhappy, stressed employees, and provide more excellent customer service, which is invaluable to any business. It is therefore of tremendous commercial relevance to invest in the wellbeing and coherence of your team – if only to unlock their discretionary effort.


‘Culture always trumps strategy.’

Dr Alan Watkins, Coherence.


Unified Coherence Facilitation is the process of assessing a group or team’s vision, culture, and practices, to create a plan of coherence that benefits the whole.

9 Month Coaching & Facilitator Program

Find your true power | Unleash your true purpose

The Five Keys:

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Create a Unifying & Versatile Method

Learn a unified method that applies to 1:1 & groups in multiple arenas

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Build Professional Excellence

Acquire a standard of excellence in clinical & coaching approach

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Discover The Energy Secrets of Leadership

Learn the energetics of how to embody true leadership & confidence

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Master Authentic Marketing

Bring your essential 
purpose into your marketing for true impact

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Be Part of a Supportive Community

Benefit from a supportive, collaborative community holding the same vision

The Program

9 Month Course: Face-to-Face + Online

This 9 Month Course sets a new benchmark for coaching and facilitating

in a rapidly shifting world. The course is taught part face-to-face, and part online.

6 Weekends of Face-to-Face Training

The face-to-face component is taught over six weekends: 

one weekend per month for the first 5 months, and final month, covering:


Self-Map of Unified Coherence | Primary Dimensions of Balance | Physiological Coherence | Inner Practice | Core Methods  | Coherent Coaching | Group Dynamics | Creating your Practice | Community Coherence Strategy | Regenerative Facilitation | LeadershipArchetypes | Energetics of Leadership | Enlightened Marketing

See the Course Syllabus here.

4 Months Supervised Practice

Supervised practice begins in Month 5's face-to-face training weekend, and

continues with 1:1 mentoring for the next 3 months.

10 Hours Mentor Coaching

The Program meets the ACTP (Accredited Coaching Training Program ACTP) requirements

given by the ICF (International Coaching Federation). This includes:


- 125+ Student Contact Hours

- 10 Hours Mentor Coaching

Ongoing Community Support

Students have multiple streams of community support - both during the course and afterwards on an ongoing basis for their business development. 

Take Some Workshops:

Select from a range of:  

Weekend Workshops | Online Training Sessions  | Personal Acceleration Sessions

​ Expertly designed for your ongoing professional and life mission development. 


Unified Coherence™
Trainers & Facilitators

Karen Birch

Karen Aiyana Birch

Karen has fifteen years of therapeutic experience working with individuals and groups, and twenty years of committed personal development practice. 

She is the founder of The New Earth School, an educational community platform facilitating the essential shifts we need to make to live more regenerative lives and contribute to a more beautiful world.

Simon Confino

Simon facilitates and coaches individuals, teams and organisations to significantly improve their ability to fulfil their purpose and to thrive. He founded and co-directs We-Q, the Collaborative Intelligence Team App and uses the tools in his work. 


Having been an employee to Board Level, an Employer, Entrepreneur, and Organisational Psychologist, Simon's gift is a deep understanding of optimal work cultures.

"I profoundly believe that we have a responsibility to reshape business and organisational life to enable the expression of our full humanity. When this happens, extraordinary positive change can occur."

Simon brings his knowledge and expertise around group facilitation in the business arena to Month Three of the 9-month coaching and facilitator course.

Simon Confino
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“As a practitioner Karen is gifted, professional and highly intuitive and I would unequivocally recommend this to anyone."


Amor Lakshmi,

Transformational Facilitator

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