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Self Mastery II

The Mastery Keys
Yearlong Program + Lifelong Community

level II

 Free your consciousness, anchor your power, feel whole, become paradise

Are you on an awakening path today and have reached a level of initiation, yet have hit a plateau in your healing journey, or simply know there is much further to explore?

Currently the new energies on the planet are creating pressure for people to do exactly that: to truly heal, balance, align, expand and empower into Co-Creator beings.


By working with the Feminine & Masculine Mastery Keys in a specific order of embodiment, with true intention, an extraordinary pathway unfolds that takes you from Initiation, to Mastery, to Creation.


Self-mastery is a path of deep healing and lifelong transformation. This program & community offers this from the heart. 

Anyone can work with mastery wisdom lightly as a set of archetypes and system tools. However, to begin the process of deep initiatory work with the Keys to develop your personal mastery and consciousness capabilities, a ceremonial transmission of the energetic blueprint is required during one of the retreats. 

Find your way back to your essence, together.

Mastery is a process of healing and transformation that is best supported by community.

Exhaustion & less happiness result from an accumulation of emotional & mental burdens - trauma, disillusionment, broken hopes, old programs, and burn out from the way the world is weighs heavily on us. 

Dear friend, if this is you, then feel the comfort that here we help each other release the energetic weight of this heaviness, en-'lightening' ourselves - not to become removed from life, but so we may realign and reignite our flame for who we are meant to be be and how we are meant to serve in this life.

Each Mastery Key - a feminine or masculine aspect of the Source Self, reveals the burden that blocks us from its experience, and offers a key to pass through this gateway of light.  Let's find our way home together. 

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The Program:

1 Mastery Key Initiation Ceremony

Receive the energetic blueprint of the Feminine & Masculine Source Consciousness into your energy field in an Initiation Ceremony during one of the three available retreats in the year. 

2The Mastery Keys Codex: The Guidebook

This is your life companion to understanding all you need re self-mastery, the Divine Feminine & Masculine energies, the Wounded, Earthly & Eternal Selves, balance & being a Creator. 

3Monthly Deep Dive Mastery Sessions

Each month we join together to gain insight, exploration, healing, and transformation, by focusing on an aspect of the Mastery Keys Codex of work that is calling to us the most - a Key, shadow, or process.

4Bimonthly 'SHE' & 'HE' Sessions

Every other month we join in our same-gender groups to nourish ourselves in SHE and HE Mystery teachings, elevating each other as we embody more deeply 'God' and 'Goddess.' 

5Bimonthly Community Connection Circle

During alternate months to the SHE and HE groups, we have the opportunity to join together just to be, connect, share, support, get to know each other, learn from each other & weave magic.


61 - 3 In-Person Sacred Mastery Retreats

You can join one or all three opportunities to embody the practices, and experience sacred ceremonies to honour the empowered feminine and masculine Source within us.

  • What makes this program unique?
    Whether you are attracted to Mystery Schools, or simply love the challenge of mastery practices, you will find home here. The work encompasses every primordial dimension of evolving the 'self.' ​ The Divine Child and the Wounded Child, the Shadow Feminine/Masculine and the Light, the Earthly self and the Eternal Self... and of course the archetypes of the Feminine and Masculine, the Four Elements, Sacred Union and birth of the Christed Self... ​ It is these core, mystical, shamanic, archetypal forces and aspects of the psyche that are always at work in us whether we are conscious of it or not, that we dive into together.
  • How can self-mastery serve me?
    Ultimately mastery can serve you in any way you choose it to. Professional golfers, athletes, or chess players use mastery practices to succeed, as do martial artists. ​ You can also utilise it purely for your inner healing, to manifest the life you dream of, or to become more adept in dealing with emotional triggers and creating more healthy relationships. The deeper call is Dharma, & raising collective consciousness. ​ You could say that we use the practices of mastery to become more 'superhuman,' yet I would say that mastery is actually our true nature, and what we're accustomed to as normal human operating is a huge aberration. We are re-learning.
  • What if I'm already a Mystery School facilitator/guide?
    I would be so happy to hear from you. I believe it important that at this time we collaborate and co-create with one another with the pieces of the blueprint that have been gifted to us to hold and bring to the community. ​ Also, being a facilitator does not mean we are no longer Initiates. Let's evolve from each other. We are meant to lift each other. ​ We are also looking for new facilitators to train to lead this journey. ​ Please get in touch so that we can have a chat and explore an aligned constellation.
  • Why a lifetime membership?
    Mastery is not a 'course' or something you learn and then put down. It is a life path. Likewise, whilst an exchange of energy is necessary due to the times we live in, this is not 'business' to me. ​ In all ancient cultures of the past, close supportive communities were formed around the learning of sacred teachings. We need safe containers for this. ​ The format here provides an initial 'program' to integrate the processes, and then allows the deeper flow of true community to arise organically.
  • Does this include men and women's work specifically?
    Yes, this program includes separate sessions for men and women within it, with the potential to expand into further events. For example, for women, the SHE Gatherings online & in person, to ignite the Golden Flame of the Creatrix within all women - resourcing the sisterhood who are midwifing a New Earth led by the Codes of the Sacred Goddess.

Enrolment Details

Start April or October


New cohorts to the program start twice per year after Mastery I - recommended unless you are aligned enough to go straight to Mastery II.

Energy Exchange


1 Year Program + 1-3 Retreats + Lifelong Membership

€5555 - €9555*

After one year of deep transformative integration of the Mastery Keys, you then 'graduate' out of this more held container and become a lifelong member.


Being a lifelong member includes ongoing participation in some of the sessions.

*These numbers reflect differences in how many retreats you attend during the year, and are still currently an estimate so may change.

 People have different circumstances, yet every change maker, new earth pioneer, and thought leader, needs support to flourish and fulfill their greater purpose. Please get in touch if these prices are not possible for you.


The Program:

Each month's deep dive session is dedicated to one of the archetypal Mastery Keys OR one of the major mastery themes, e.g. wounded self / christed self / sacred union / the four elements.

The twelve Mastery Keys have been present throughout the ages & when activated & integrated together form the whole and unified potential of Creator Consciousness. 

The program is composed of:

A Monthly Live Mastery Session

(Usually a two hour deep dive zoom session)

The Mastery Keys Codex

(A comprehensive self-mastery guide)

Bimonthly Men & Women's Circles

(To connect as a community)

1:1 Initiation Ceremony

(To receive the Keys energetically in your auric field, activating them in your consciousness)

1 - 3 Retreats

(For deep in person embodiment and ceremonies)

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The Mastery Keys Codex

The program includes a comprehensive workbook that the initiate can progress through in their own time and receive support with throughout the monthly sessions.  It contains life mastery practices, such as the transition from Initiate to Master, the balancing of the Eternal & Earthly Self, how to heal the Wounded Child, and the benefits of working with the Mastery Key Gatekeepers.

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The Guided Mastery Keys Meditation:

- Each Mastery Key is a Gatekeeper, for it guards an essential initiation to another gateway of potential.

- This meditation will comprise the initiate's primary self-practice in integrating the work.

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- The process of integration and embodiment.

- How to work with the wounded child / shadow aspects.

- The relevance to the ancient mystery school teachings.

- The three great cycles of mastery embodiment: Initiation, Mastery, Creation. 

- The blocks and misconceptions, the key practices, and what it truly means to become a 'Gatekeeper.' 

The Cosmology of Mastery:

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- For healing, balance and wholeness.

- Working with the four elements, with masculine and feminine, and with the triple God/Goddess archetypes. 

- Specific focus on interpersonal relationship dynamics. 

Personal & Relationship Development work:

Due to the multi-layered depth of this program, it has relevance to those that are new to mastery or likewise those who are practiced meditators and shamanic practitioners.

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"Being in sacred ceremony with Karen was something really quite unique, a surprise to all my senses... the dance of which transported me into a state of profound openness, expansion and bliss… this bliss shared tangibly by everyone fortunate to be in the room!"​

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