Self Mastery I
Blueprint Activation
12 Weeks (Online) + 5 day Retreat
level I
Your blueprint is your innate birthright.
It's who you truly are, coded into your spiritual essence and physical cells and it seeks to be manifest - in the life you could be living, the purpose you're fulfilling.
It's all coded, a primordial potential waiting inside of you, and perfectly ripe for this time, now.
Nothing else feels as deeply essential, vital, at this time on Earth, then that we activate and live from the blueprint within us - helping each other to anchor this as a new collective blueprint for humanity.
It's you becoming the One, Whole Self,
so that you exude the sweet elixir of your unique blueprint, from the cosmic fountain of your heart...
and so you serve the All.
It’s more than energetic mastery practice and soul reclamation work.
It’s more than claiming your full wild, natural, divine, intuitive, embodied self.
It’s more than self-love, boundary setting, healing your nervous system so that you feel safe again.
It’s more than radical honesty, rooting out the colonial mindset and returning to Nature.
It’s more than creating a life that works for you, and showing up in the world with your true gift.

Are you dealing with:
The frustration and pain of knowing you're not in total alignment in your self and life.
Feeling torn between nourishing your self and being of service to others / the earth.
Feeling tired, drained, burnt, unmotivated, or confused.
Swinging between high creative / sovereign energy, and then burning out or dropping.
Or, maybe you're on an acceleration path right now and want to keep going!

This is for:
Those of you who feel the pain of clipping your wings or staying small.
Those of you who feel out of integrity with your true full self in how you’re living and compromising.
Yet also those of you who already live in alignment with your true self but have hit a plateau or simply want to expand into and deepen it go all the way!
You know and trust in your capacity:
To become alive and whole in who you truly are.
To show up authentically, consciously, powerfully with others.
To be aligned in your work and true purpose.
To live a life that you love and that is flowing and abundant for you.
Your Blueprint is Everything.
Here you return to, become, Source & Nature - the frequency of Nature, into Oneness with Nature, with our own Nature.
This is about your birthright, the plan Source has for you. This about you being and living the gift of your Self.
This is about creating a New Earth
It is about what it means to truly reside in the frequency of a new paradigm, for only here can a New Earth be manifested.
This is about aligning with the most sacred, the most fundamental, essential principles of Gaia’s dream and the galactic unfolding.
It is returning to, Creation, as Creator, being the Creating.

What is it?
A weekly Sacred Container online group session of:
Coaching | Energy Clearing | Soul Retrieval | Journeying | Ceremony | Deep Sharing | + other Transformative Workshop Elements.
12 Sessions in total, each building upon the last.
Finishing with a 5-6 day retreat.

Month 1
From Victim
to Love
3 x 2 hour Blueprint Sessions
1 x Cacao Elixir Initiation Journey

3 x 2 hour Blueprint Sessions
1 x Cacao Elixir Initiation Journey
From Perpetrator to Power
Month 2

3 x 2 hour Blueprint Sessions
1 x Cacao Elixir Initiation Journey
From Fear
to Play
Month 3
Blueprint Embodiment Retreat

Program Elements
Group Energy Clearing, Retrieval, & Transmissions
to provide the energetic foundation for your Blueprint Activation.
Methods, Codes, and Empowerment Process
to provide the consciousness shift for your Blueprint Activation.
Deep Connection and Support
through processes of enquiry, sharing and coaching, as well as between-session heart sharing with the group.
Cacao facilitated Initiation Ceremonies
for deep Blueprint Activation.
Details & Booking
12 Online Sessions - Once a Week
6 Day Retreat
(dates to be confirmed)
9 x Blueprint Activation Online Sessions
Three per month
Session Time: evening - times to be confirmed with group timezones & availability. Sessions will be 2 hours depending on number of group members.
3 x Cacao Elixir Initiation Ceremonies
One per month
The time and day may shift for these ceremonies, allowing the sessions to be full length (sessions will allow members to go offline for a period).
6 Day Embodiment Retreat
At the end of the 12 week program, we will gather together in person in the neos village to practice the blissful embodiment - and next level - of all we've shared and expanded within ourselves.
Value Exchange
€3355 - €4455*
*These numbers are currently an estimate and may change.
We wish to offer flexibility for diverse socio-economic positions, so please be responsible & honest in your value exchange. People have different circumstances, yet every change maker, new earth pioneer, and thought leader, needs support to flourish and fulfill their greater purpose. Please get in touch if these prices are not possible for you.
The journey we will take
Fully activating and exuding your Blueprint Elixir may sound like a lot - maybe even scary. You may ask, ‘But what about all the challenges I’m currently facing in my life? Is it even possible?’
In these 3 months we get real, immediately. We become ultra vulnerable, and ultra empowered. You may be in a position to shift only a few things within yourself in order to access full blueprint bliss. Or, you may be dealing with a lot of complex constraints, and you will be empowered with new levels of insight and resource in order to start realigning your life at the root level, step by step.
Many of us right now are living the deep conflict of clashing paradigms. Experiencing the extremes of bliss and breakdown, we are learning to be true to ourselves and the ways of living that stand for a new earth, whilst still battling with the old systems that seek to constrain us.
We are the event horizon between the old and new paradigms… the breakthrough and birth is happening within us, not outside of us, and this process is painful - depending on how adaptively we evolve. Some of us feel we have a difficult path as impactful change-makers, but this can still feel entirely satisfying, where you are living your fullest potential.
We all have different fears, blocks, kryptonite, that hold us hostage from our natural blueprint state. This is the work to break through the old paradigm. We are in a moment of history that calls once more for true alchemy.

Deepen into:
Living from your Blueprint requires self-love, but what does that mean? How to create solidarity, power, intra-connection.
How to listen to and trust your energies, e.g. the body’s intelligence, your heart, your energy field, your Spirit.
Embody what it means to be fully actualised in Masculine and Feminine.
Find how to break the cycle of nervous system dysregulation & burn out, whilst still being productive with purpose.
Living from your Blueprint requires clarity, but how can we become clear of all external narratives and energies, and know you're choosing from our authentic self? You will learn how!
Live what it means to manifest your life from deep magic, as the inner Artist.
Receive the '12 BLUEPRINT CODES' as a lifelong practice.